
About Microdots

Q: What are the microdots?   


A: Tiny nickel particles, sized from 0.3 – 1 mm, with unique codes legible even by pocket microscope.

Q: How are the microdots applied?


A: Dots are applied with sprays, brushes or stickers which are permanent and traceable.

Q: How are the vehicles protected by microdots?


A: Thousands of microdots are applied throughout the vehicle in order to give it second identity. The microdots are impossible to be all removed. Even only one found microdot allowes authorities to identify the vehicle.

Q: What size and shape may the microdots have and which codes it may bear?


A: Microdots are of 0.3–1 mm size but we are able to produce up to 10 mm microdots. The most utilized shape is hexagon. Microdots bear codes from 3 to 20 figures, depending on their sizes.

Q: What are the properties of the nickel microdots?


A: Nickel microdots are versatile, durable and secure. They can withstand the harshest of environmental conditions and high temperature.

Q: How can bet he microdots found on objects?


A: Microdots are spread in a glue with UV agent. The marked spot is found by the UV lamp and read by microscope, which may be of pocket side or attached to smart phone.

Q: How may be the object marked by microdots identified?


A: All the objects are registered in various registers which enable to identify the found marked objects easily.